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How to purchase water treatment equipment for industrial enterprises.

Release time:2021-07-13 17:35:04

For many enterprises, pure water treatment equipment is an indispensable part of the production process. The water treatment equipment is a professional and complex system engineering, so how to choose a suitable supplier is a difficult problem faced by the purchasing department. Chunshui No.1 combines its own 15-year production and operation experience of water treatment equipment, and summarizes the following experiences for your reference.
First, clarify your own water demand
Ultra-pure water equipment industry is highly targeted, and the equipment technology adopted by the same industry is not much different. Before purchasing, it is necessary to understand the water demand of enterprises. Too high or too low design standards will lead to waste of resources or substandard water quality. Therefore, before purchasing pure water treatment equipment, it is necessary to know the electrical conductivity and water consumption per hour required by the enterprise itself; The overall configuration of the equipment, general process requirements, etc., can be known in advance about the composition of the main components of the equipment, and have a system concept for the equipment as a whole.
Chunshui No.1
Second, the hardware facilities of the supplier
Hardware facilities include a certain factory area, office space, professional staffing, and post-sale service organization settings; In the process of overall design, assembly and commissioning of purified water equipment, a certain plant area is particularly important as a support. At present, there are a large number of pure water equipment manufacturers in Shenzhen, most of which are only in a simple trade mode. Although this manufacturer has certain advantages in price, its production capacity and after-sales service quality cannot keep up; In addition, with the transformation of value-added tax, production equipment as a fixed asset can deduct input tax and reduce corporate tax burden. Small-scale trade companies cannot issue special invoices for value-added tax, and customers can directly eliminate such manufacturers when choosing manufacturers; Pure water equipment requires 304/316 welded pipes, racks, water storage tanks, etc., and passivated pipes. Therefore, when customers choose manufacturers, they should make field visits as much as possible. Chunshui No.1 workshop building
III. Software facilities of suppliers
Software facilities are the symbol of the company's soft power. As far as pure water equipment manufacturing is concerned, customer cooperation, supplier support and brand awareness are particularly important. When selecting pure water equipment manufacturers, they can be required to provide past successful cases, and if necessary, they can be required to lead customers to the site to investigate the operation status of the equipment; For the important components of pure water equipment, such as reverse osmosis membrane, water pump, filter material, etc., a powerful and well-known supplier is an important condition to ensure the good operation of the equipment. Therefore, when selecting manufacturers, you should ask whether the relevant manufacturers have established long-term cooperative relations with well-known component suppliers; In addition, customers can refer to the brand awareness of pure water equipment on the Internet.
Chunshui No.1 office
Fourth, a reasonable price range
Good quality, low price and excellent value for money are what every customer expects. As the saying goes, cheap goods are not good. In the price comparison of pure water equipment, customers need to pay attention to the authenticity of quotations from different manufacturers. Suppliers with low prices often steal the column to reduce costs in equipment manufacturing, which will inevitably lead to the increase of maintenance costs of pure water equipment in the later period and failure in GMP certification; Since it is a systematic project from installation and commissioning to later operation of purified water equipment, in which each component has various brands, it is understandable that the price difference is quite large after combination. When purchasing purified water equipment, customers should know the composition of main components in advance, and consult relevant data to know fairly well.
pure water one
V. Standardized operation process
The purchasing process of pure water equipment must go through several processes: design consultation-signing contract-equipment manufacturing-delivery and acceptance-post-maintenance. Only after knowing the project information and customer requirements in detail, the supplier will come up with the best design scheme. Many irresponsible suppliers will make customers rush to sign contracts, but the later design scheme is not satisfactory. Many changes are proposed, or cutting corners, and the design requirements do not meet the specifications, which brings unstable and unsafe factors to equipment operation and enterprise production. Responsible suppliers can put forward reasonable change opinions for enterprises, and give reasonable plans according to the site requirements and water demand of enterprises, which will not waste, but also meet the water demand of enterprises, and reserve enough docking space for later reconstruction and expansion.

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